Angkor Wat

Interested in an Asia Cruise of a Lifetime?

Angkor Wat

Intrigued about taking a Cruise in other parts of the world other then Europe and the Caribbean?

If so, then this blog post will intrigue you.

Myanmar/BurmaIn just 2 weeks we will by flying to Asia to explore another Country in that region known as Myanmar, or you may know it as it’s former name, Burma… we can’t wait!

This cruise is special as it is the Inaugural sailing for this AMA Waterways 14 Night River Cruise itinerary called “Hidden Wonders of Myanmar” that sails the “Irrawaddy River”.

You can visit to read all about the itinerary we are doing.

But don’t worry, we will be writing a blog about our experience & we will share it with you as soon as it is completed… so look out for that around mid-3rd week of December! (Update: Here’s that Blog Post!)

In the meantime, want to learn about other parts of Asia you can take a Cruise to?

Great Wall of China
Great Wall of China

Then check out our blog posts from our visit to China & the River Cruise experience we had on “The Yangtze” HERE

Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Plus, you can read our River Cruise review & experience when we visited Vietnam & Cambodia in 2013 & sailed the “Mekong River” HERE

Both trips we highly recommend but both have their nuances so if & when you are ready to Cruise in Asia just pick up the phone or email us and we will happily assist you in helping choose the best destination for you.

Either way, we hope you get to visit this Beautiful & Fascinating part of the World which is by far one of our favorite destinations!!

Happy Cruising! 🙂

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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