The Great Wall of China in Beijing, China

Beijing, China… a great place to spend the final days of my Yangtze River Cruise!

During our “Yangtze River” Cruise & Land Tour with Viking River Cruises in China, it felt like day after day we kept seeing and experiencing amazing highlights!

And as you can imagine…

…our time in Beijing was no exception!

If we’re not mistaken, we visited four UNESCO World Heritage Sites while in Beijing and saw about 4 other major highlights there… pretty amazing place!

The highlights of Beijing you ask?

Okay… let’s cover them… and we’re leaving the best for last. ๐Ÿ™‚

A highlight for sure was seeing the Olympic sites… you’ll remember, Beijing and it’s Summer Olympics were spectacular and some of the things they did were unprecedented, so seeing the sites in person was pretty cool!

A picture of Shawn Power checking out the "Cube" swimming complex in Beijing, China


The “Forbidden City”… what an experience it was going through there in the heart of Beijing… especially since our journey before going inside started in infamous “Tiananmen Square”… withย 1,000 buildings and being the worldโ€™s largest surviving palace complex, you truly have to step inside and see it with your own eyes to believe it!

A picture of the "Forbidden City" in Beijing, China



Walking the “Sacred Way” to the Ming Dynasty Tombs… very historic!

The "Sacred Way" in Beijing, China


The Ming Dynasty Tombs in Beijing, China


Spending an afternoon exploring the Summer Palace… that was something else too… let’s just say, being one of the original “Summer Homes”/”Cottages” they don’t make them quite like that anymore. ๐Ÿ™‚

The Summer Palace in Beijing, China

Definitely a show we’ll never forget was the famous Beijing Peking Opera which combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance and acrobatics… as we saw this during our tour’s last night in China it certainly left an amazing impression of the country on us… the performers talents truly are amazing!

The Famous Peking Opera in Beijing, China

Oh, and visiting the night market in Beijing and seeing the unique, exotic foods that are commonly eaten in China… that was… interesting!! ๐Ÿ™‚

"Scorpions on a stick" in Beijing, China

But of course (and we’re sure you guessed it already)…

…the # 1 highlight of our time in Beijing was visiting the “Great Wall of China”!!

The Great Wall of China in Beijing, China

To be able to say we climbed this historic site is definitely a traveler’s dream come true! ๐Ÿ™‚

So as you can see, the time we spent in Beijing was busy as we saw amazing site after amazing site and it truly ended off our time in this beautiful country (one we’ll definitely return to) with a bang.

If you want to see all our pics of Beijing and of our River Cruise & Land Tour go to our Beijing & Yangtze River Cruise photos & videos.

To sum up our time in China doing our Yangtze River Cruise and exploration of the Country… if you ever have the chance to do this journey… think about it for 3 seconds and then “do it” we know you’ll love your time visiting there! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tomorrow, we’ll end this week’s “China Series” posts by sharing some video we took over there to help give you more of a “live” feel of what it’s like.

Talk soon.

We appreciate You!

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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