Ways to Become a Travel Agent’s Favorite Customer

11 Ways To Become A Travel Agent’s Favorite Customer

Ways to Become a Travel Agent’s Favorite Customer

Recently we read an article written by Cheryl Rosen from Travel Market Report called “11 Ways to Become a Travel Agent’s Favorite Customer” and since we related to so much of the article we thought you may want to give it a read.

Now you know that YOU are our Favourite Client… this is just for all the others. 😉

Here is the link to the article or you can simply read it below:

“Sure, travel agents love their customers–but as in any loving relationship, little things can drive them crazy. Here are some tips to make you the perfect client that your travel agent wants to do business with over and over again.

1. Never make your travel agent do all the research for you and then book the trip yourself online. (And if you do, do not post pictures on Facebook showing your family at the resort your travel agent found for you.) Really, you know that’s not fair. And it’s not smart, either. Travel agents often can get you extra perks. And if things go wrong, they will have your back.

2. If you ask a travel agent for a quote, get back to him or her even if the answer is no. It’s always better to know what happened rather than to just be left hanging.

3. Don’t say you are “flexible” about dates when you really are not. Be specific about when you can go and when you cannot.

4. Be mindful of the fact that the package you find for $50 cheaper likely is not the same package your travel agent found. Does it include transfers and direct flights, for example?

5. Give your travel agent a realistic budget up front. A reputable travel agent will find you a great vacation within your price range, not try to sell you more.

6. Don’t expect to just “pick their brain” for free advice. Like doctors or lawyers, travel agents are professionals, and their advice is reserved for customers.

7. Be realistic about what your travel agent can do for you. They do not work for the State Department; if you lose your passport, they can tell you what to do, but they cannot get you another one. And if you do not take trip insurance, they cannot get your money back if you have to cancel.

8. Don’t ask for advice and then not follow it because you think you know better. You are asking for professional advice from people who have spent years educating themselves about the ins and outs of travel. Odds are they really do know what they are talking about. (And if not, pick another travel agent!)

9. Remember that planning a trip takes time, and that travel agents have lives. And other customers. Don’t call at midnight and expect to get a complete itinerary by 9 a.m.

10. Understand that airline prices only go up. If you don’t book it today, it will cost more tomorrow. There is nothing your travel agent can do about it.

11. Read the paperwork. Especially if you are traveling out of the country.

Well, there you have it, we hope you enjoyed the read as much as we did.

Upcoming Posts:

Right now we are in Norway, 1/2 way into our 3 week “back to back” Cruises with Crystal Cruiselines where we go from their “Serenity” Ocean Ship to one of their new River Ships, “Bach”. Why fly all that way for one cruise when you can make it two! 🙂

Our first cruise is a 14 Night Norway Itinerary on the beautiful “Crystal Serenity” and then…

…we fly over to Frankfurt from London to board the “Crystal Bach” for a 7 Night Rhine River cruise which should be interesting as this is a NEW River Cruiseline division for Crystal that we were waiting a while to try till the kinks were worked out (this is now their 3rd season) so we could see exactly what they are like and come back with an accurate review for you.

So stay tuned, we will have those fresh reviews out to you in our coming August & September posts!

Until then…

We appreciate You!

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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