A picture of Shawn enjoying the beautiful Lesser Three Gorges

Sailing the Mystic Yangtze River in China… and Loving it!

As mentioned in yesterday’s post, we started our “Yangtze River” Cruise & Land Tour in Shanghai, China.

Although we loved it there, you can imagine how exciting it was to start the next leg of our trip on the Yangtze River (the longest river in Asia & 3rd longest in the world) as we traveled to China in the first place to do a Yangtze River Cruise. 🙂

From Shanghai we flew to a city called Wuhan to embark on our ship with Viking…

…although it was a short stay in Wuhan before we set sail, we had a great afternoon there being treated to a private musical show at a local museum… the highlight was hearing the ancient chime bells that were excavated in 1978 and are believed to be around 2500 years old.

Here's a picture of a Musical Performance in Wuhan, China

Hard to describe in a blog how magical the sounds were (and they truly were!) so make sure when you do a Yangtze River Cruise that it includes the music performance in Wuhan! 🙂

So the start of our journey on the Yangtze River was definitely a great one but the 5 days we spent sailing up this historic river were all spectacular with daily stops and tours all along the way!

During our 1st day on the river we visited a local school that was sponsored by the Cruiseline… Viking River Cruises.

Here's a picture of Nancy & Shawn visiting a school in China

This was a treat as A, it was nice to see some of the tourist dollars being spent going right back into some of the communities and B, meeting these young kids was an eye-opener…

Picture of Nancy hanging with the kids at their school in China

…and them singing us a song in English and us singing back to them in Chinese… now that was fun!! 🙂

Doing Tai Chi on the open deck early in the mornings while on the Yangtze River was something we’ll never forget as well as the ever changing scenery and towns all along the way…

Picture of Nancy and others doing Tai Chi in the mornings on the Yangtze River

…and of course, going through the engineering marvel of the 3 Gorges Dam was spectacular too!

A picture of Nancy & Shawn at the Three Gorges Dam in China

The scope of this project is simply huge (make sure to Google it) and being our first ever “Canal” transit through the 5 sets of locks was something else!

A picture of the canal locks at the Three Gorges Dam in China

No part of the Yangtze River was more beautiful though then when we visited the “Lesser Three Gorges”

…the scenery and serenity of this area was simply stunning… and the hanging coffins along the cliffs were pretty cool too. 🙂

A picture of Shawn enjoying the beautiful Lesser Three Gorges


Oh, and the last day was definitely no less exciting then the rest… we visited the 12 story ” Shibaozhai Temple”… amazing!!

A picture of Nancy & Shawn Power at the Shibaozhai Temple

So spending time on the Yangtze River can simply be summed up as… “one of the best and most memorable times we’ve ever spent while traveling!”.

It truly is a mystic, historic, magical river to Cruise on and if you ever have the chance to do it… we’d suggest it for anyone’s “bucket list”. 🙂

Visit our Yangtze River Cruise photos & videos to see all the highlights!

Now don’t think our time in China ended after the Yangtze River… we were only a little over half way done…

…tomorrow we’ll tell you about the famous Terra Cotta Warriors visit we made near a little city called Xi’an. (They only have about 8 million people there :-))

Talk soon…

We appreciate You!

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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