
See The Loveliness of a River Float in Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Puntarenas, Costa Rica & the Panama CanalAs we mentioned in Tuesday’s Blog Post, when we did our Panama Canal Cruise this past Christmas we had the chance to visit some other really great places nearby like Cartegana, Colombia and Acapulco, Mexico and…

…Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is such a lush, beautiful place, particularly Puntarenas, and it’s a country we’ll definitely be back to at some point!

Until then, check out our video of the River Float we did while in Puntarenas.

Doing a river float while in Puntarenas, Costa Rica while Cruising the Panama Canal… FUN!! 🙂

If you want to see some other pics from Puntarenas, then visit our Puntarenas & Panama Canal Cruise photo & video gallery.

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Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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