Avalon Video

Here’s what an Amazing River Cruise looks like

A short while ago we published 2 articles about River Cruising.

The first one was about Why River Cruising is so popular and the sequel to that was about Where you can travel on a River Cruise.

Well today, we wanted you to SEE (through video) some of what we talked about in those articles.

We recently came across two great videos created by Avalon Waterways, one of the 5 major North American River Cruise Lines.

Now the fact that the videos are being shot by Avalon is irrelevant… as we mentioned before, we don’t have a concrete rule that there’s one River Cruiseline you should always travel with… it totally depends on the destination.

Watching the videos though, you’ll learn that when you’re onboard a River Cruise Ship it delivers to you a certain Quality LIFESTYLE for a week or two.  And you’ll begin to see that once you take your first River Cruise you’ll be able to answer “Yes I Have” to the question “Have you Ever” and you’ll also know what it’s like to “Cruise to a Place, not to a Port“.

Anyways, check out these 2 short videos now and you’ll know what we mean! 🙂

And when you’re ready to book your first, or next, great River Cruise contact Shawn so he can help you plan & book your River Cruise Vacation and he’ll help you make sure it’s a spectacular one!

Enjoy the Videos!

We appreciate You.

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

Video # 1“Have You Ever?”

(Tip: For best viewing click the Full Screen mode in the very bottom right corner of the video!)

Video # 2“Cruise to a Place, not a Port”

(Tip: For best viewing click the Full Screen mode in the very bottom right corner of the video!)

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Interested in taking a River Cruise, Ocean Cruise or Tauck Land Tour? Contact Shawn and he can help you with your planning & booking of your next great Vacation!