Travel Agent…
…many people hear that term and think it’s some kind of extinct animal! 🙂
Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration but for a while there the media was convinced online booking engines would put the traditional Travel Agent out of business… “people will plan their own travel & cruises online” they said and “will never use a Travel Agent again”.
Now maybe we’re biased as Shawn has been a professional Travel Agent, specializing in Cruises, for the past 5+ years but those above statements to us sound about as dumb as “you can get Medical info online these days and info on car repair, etc. so all Doctors & Mechanics and other professionals are going to go out of business”.
Sure, like all industries the Internet has had some affects on the Travel Agent industry and many Travel Agent businesses have folded but due to people having less time then ever to waste on trying to play their own travel agent and due to some crazy world/travel related events the past few years…
…a Volcano shutting down air travel to Europe, Earthquakes in Chile & Japan, a Cruise ship sinking, etc….
…the general pubic again is realizing it’s good to have an expert Travel Agent on their side who can advise them, look out for them and play advocate for them when things go wrong.
The Traveling Public is Realizing once again it’s a Great idea to use a Travel Agent when planning their Precious Vacations
But with all that said though, we still find from talking to people, there are many misconceptions when it comes to using a Travel Agent (such as thinking your Cruise will cost more by having a Travel Agent book it… that’s the exact opposite of the truth) and besides the misconceptions many people generally don’t know the benefits of using a Travel Agent.
So a while ago we wrote an article highlighting the benefits of using a Travel Agent called “Why Book Your Cruise with Shawn Power?” and we know by taking a few minutes to read it, it’ll help you get amazing value the next time you book a Cruise Vacation!
Now whether you book a Cruise or not and whether you use Shawn as your Travel Agent or not… that’s beside the point… the purpose of us sharing the above article with you today is to help you understand, like with all industries, there are many, many reasons to work with one of the many trained professionals in the Travel Agent community…
…DON’T do a disservice to your next Valuable Cruise Vacation by trying to figure it all out on your own!
Sure, getting a cheap “deal” online can be satisfying but having an amazing vacation filled with great memories planned by an expert Travel Agent, rather then coming home with horror stories is the smarter option…
…trust us, after 80 vacations & trips together, including 29 Cruises, we’ve done both and having a Travel Agent on your side is the way to go! 🙂
We appreciate You!
Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!