Greeting sign in Ketchikan, Alaska

Orca Cove Kayaking in Ketchikan, Alaska

Greeting sign in Ketchikan, AlaskaToday we visited Ketchikan, Alaska… the “salmon capital of the world”!

And there’s no mistaking this fact either as you walk down the famous “Creek Street” in the downtown core and see the throngs of salmon in Ketchikan Creek… no wonder the tree tops are home to so many Bald Eagles. 🙂

Out of the dozens of fun things to do here in Ketchikan, we chose to take in an “Orca’s Cove” Kayaking tour hoping to catch a glance of the magnificent wildlife here like humpback whales, orcas, porpoises, seals and sea lions that all inhabit these waters… and along the shore river otters, mink, deer and black bears.

We didn’t see everything on the above list but close to it! 🙂

The highlight of the tour though was definitely the “out of the ordinary” factor … just 6 of us and the pure wilderness of Alaska… perfect!

If you’d like to experience the rawness of this land, to be in nature and see wildlife then we would…

…highly recommend kayaking here in Ketchikan!

Sitting along the shores of Alaska’s Inside Passage, Ketchikan lies within the heart of the sixteen million acre Tongass National Forest, and can only to be visited by sea or air…

…needless to say, beautiful is an understatement for this area!

The last time we visited this Alaskan center we took a floatplane into Neet’s Bay from Ketchikan to watch the bears up close feeding off salmon… it was “neet” (pun intended) to see the young bears following mom to the river as she caught a meal for her babies…that was an adventure we’ll never forget!

Our very first trip here to Ketchikan, we visited the Deer Mountain Tribal Hatchery and Eagle Center where we got to see eagles and salmon up close and learned so many interesting facts about them. We’d highly recommend a visit, you’ll love it!

What’s so nice about historic downtown Ketchikan, is that it’s easy to get around if you just want to go shopping, be entertained at the lumberjack show or delight in a stroll along the boardwalk admiring the talent of the natives who carved the totem poles that are dotted throughout.

To get an even better feel of this area & our Cruise, check out our Ketchikan & Alaska Cruise photos & videos.

Whatever you decide to do in Ketchikan…

…we know you’ll have a great time visiting the Salmon capital of the world… Ketchikan, Alaska.

We appreciate You!

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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