A look at the medieval city walls that surround Tallinn, Estonia

Check out my pictures of Tallinn, Estonia

If you’ve been following our blog posts over the past month or so, you’ll know we’ve been sharing highlights of some of the beautiful and historic Baltic Sea cities we visited several summers ago during our amazing Cruise in the region and in continuation of that theme, today we wanted to share our pictures of Tallinn, Estonia. 🙂

Now we have to be honest with you, of all the cities we visited when in the Baltic Sea area, Tallinn was the one we knew and heard of “least” compared to the others.

But as we found out…

…Tallinn is a very charming, historic place that ended up being a gem of a setting to explore and we had quite the relaxing time doing so!

There’s nothing better for us then checking out a new place and learning all about it… about it’s history, culture, people, etc.!!

As mentioned, we have a few pictures of Tallinn to share with you but first we figured we’d tell you a few things about this delightful place.

Tallinn is home to around 413,000 residents, it’s the capital city of Estonia and it’s located on the banks of the Gulf of Finland… just 80 kms south of Helsinki, west of Saint Petersburg and east of Stockholm… due to it’s location for many years it’s been an important port between Scandinavia & Russia.

It’s one of Europe’s oldest cities, approaching the 900 year old mark… and as it’s “Old town”/Medieval area, still surrounded by it’s big city walls in some areas, has been preserved so well that back in 1997 it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

One of the most interesting things about Tallinn is how much it’s changed hands over who controls it over the years… it’s been attacked and taken over many times during it’s long history… at different points it’s belonged to Denmark, Sweden, Germany and mostly Russia…

…but back in 1991 it gained it’s own independence again… and hopefully it stays that way from now on! 🙂

And since then it’s made a name for itself being home to a huge technological industry (it’s called the northern Europe Silicon valley by some) and it’s the starting place of a few big inventions… Skype being one of them.

But of course for us, the highlight of our time in Tallinn was getting out on foot and taking a stroll around it’s “old town” area… below are a few highlights of what we experienced.

1. There’s Shawn proving that, yep, we were in Tallinn, Estonia 🙂

Shawn Power at the "Welcome to Tallinn" sign

2. There’s a typical, old style cobblestone street in “Old Town” Tallinn… being from St. John’s, Newfoundland it kinda reminds us of some of the downtown streets back home.

Cobblestone Street in Tallinn, Estonia

3. There’s Nancy taking in the amazing Historic architecture around Tallinn while in “Town Hall Square”

Nancy checking out Tallinn's Town Hall Square

4. As mentioned, Tallinn is an old city and much of the city walls that protected it are still standing… there’s Shawn checking out a section of it

Shawn checking out some of the Medieval wall that surrounds Tallinn, Estonia

5. There’s a look at the gorgeous Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Tallinn, Estonia

6. Here’s Nancy getting a view of the lower old town area from the upper town section… it’s a really beautiful site to see on a sunny day like we had on this day!

Nancy enjoying the views from Tallinn, Estonia's upper "old town" area

7. There’s more of the city wall that still stands… very impressive! 🙂

A look at the medieval city walls that surround Tallinn, Estonia

Well, we hope you enjoyed having a look around at and seeing our pictures of Tallinn, Estonia…

…Tallinn sure is a beautiful, charming and historic place to visit and we hope you get to explore there soon too during your own Baltic Sea Cruise!

Visit our Tallinn & Baltic Sea Cruise photo & video gallery to see the rest of our pics from our Baltic Sea Cruise.

We appreciate You!

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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