A whale from the Shamu show in SeaWorld, San Diego

Ever been to San Diego’s SeaWorld Spooktacular before?

A whale from the Shamu show in SeaWorld, San Diego
There’s one of the stars from SeaWorld’s famous “Shamu” show

Ever been to San Diego’s SeaWorld Spooktacular before in October?

Yesterday we did just that and wanted to give you our opinion on visiting.

Definitely a must do! … as you’ll see from the video we put together for you below.

While there, not only will you get to dress up and play trick or treat on the weekends for the month of October, you will get up close and personal with many of our favorite and most captivating finned and flippered friends.

Shamu, dolphins, whales, sharks, sea lions and much more…

It’s so amazing to see them in action right before your eyes, it feels like and it is a privilege. It’s beautiful to watch!

That’s about all we’ll say about that so we don’t spoil the fun for you! 🙂

Plus, did you know that you can go on roller coasters, take rides where you WILL get wet, scenic rides with sky views (Shawn’s favorite) and much more?

Yup, it’s true.

TIP: This park has MANY opportunities to get wet (meaning you don’t have to if you don’t want to) but it does sort of kinda spoil the fun worrying about it, so come prepared!…

…You can bring a bag into the park with you. So we would suggest packing a few towels and if it’s a cooler day (after all it is October as we write this), maybe bring a change of clothes or just bring a poncho if you’re not in the mood to get wet just so you don’t miss out on the fun! Lockers are available inside the park for a small fee.

Have a look at our video, which really doesn’t do this fun filled adventurous day true justice, but you’ll get the picture.

Do we recommend a visit to SeaWorld? ABSOLUTELY!

Enjoy the video. 🙂

(Tip: For best viewing click the Full Screen mode in the very bottom right corner of the video!)

We Appreciate You!

Nancy & Shawn

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