Shawn Power checking out a Navy Helicopter on the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier

Video of my visit on the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier in San Diego, California

Shawn Power checking out a Navy Helicopter on the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier
There’s Shawn checking out a Navy Helicopter on the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier

Here in San Diego, for our very first visit, we have a great week of activities planned but first things first… today we went aboard an aircraft carrier called the USS Midway, had lunch at the Fish Market Restaurant and strolled the Embarcadero.

In the video we put together for you, you’ll notice that…

…visiting the USS Midway is no ordinary boring tour.

It is fascinating to board a BIG ship lined with so many impressive aircraft!

Even better… you get to climb inside and feel what it’s like to be a pilot, take in a simulator to try your hand at flying and duck your head and walk the guts of the USS Midway, seeing how, where and what it was like to live on one of these bad boys.

Even if planes and big ships is not your thing, it’s so interesting being aboard and checking out the USS Midway… you’ll love it!

After about two hours of touring (the average time is three hours for families or larger groups) we went next door to the Fish Market for lunch. It was SO GOOD…we would highly recommend it, if you like seafood that is.

There’s nothing better then a stroll after your tummy is happy from a great meal. And that’s exactly what we did after lunch…

…hand in hand (yes we are hopeless romantics, what can we say :-)) we meandered the walkway at San Diego’s Harbor called the Embarcadero. It’s lined with your choice of boat tours, gorgeous harbor views, sea birds and eateries.

Oh ya, here’s a “live” look at what today looked like for us on the USS Midway.

(Tip: For best viewing click the Full Screen mode in the very bottom right corner of the video!)

We hope you enjoyed our “look” at the USS Midway and that you take the time to check her out when enjoying your next Cruise from San Diego… after all, the Cruise ships park right next to her when in town! (Popular places you can Cruise to from San Diego you ask? Hawaii, Mexico and the Panama Canal)

Talk soon.

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Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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