Nancy & Shawn Power White Water Rafting in Whistler

Things to do in Whistler in the Summer

As many of you know, we’ve lived in the Vancouver, BC, Canada area for the past 5 years… 4 years right downtown Vancouver and 1 year on the Beautiful Sunshine Coast about 2 hours from the city.

Since we love to Cruise so much, it’s probably no surprise we chose to live where one of the major Cruise ports in the World resides… Vancouver is home to many Alaska Cruises.

And many of you probably also know just 2 hours away from Vancouver is a very, very popular Ski Resort called “Whistler” (Whistler/Blackcomb is it’s official name) which has grown even more popular since the…

…2010 Vancouver/Whistler Winter Olympic Games took place!

What you may not know though is Whistler is not only a really big winter destination for skiing but it’s an absolutely great place to visit during summertime as well! (Which works out perfectly since that’s when Cruise ships sail to Alaska! :-))

In fact, as we’re not huge skiers (not that we don’t like it, it’s just we grew up in a cold place so we like to avoid cold when we can)…

…we prefer Whistler in the Summer

…crazy, we know!

What are our favorite things to do in Whistler in the Summer?  Good Question!

We really love the ride up to the mountain’s peak on the Gondola, we love dining on a nice balcony overlooking the mountains, we love checking out the hiking and walking trails, and the bike trails too, we really enjoyed the train ride back and forth we did there for one of our visits and our # 1 favorite thing we enjoy in Whistler…

white water rafting which is definitely a lot of fun!! 🙂

But don’t worry, if those few things above aren’t your cup of tea there’s lots of other things to do in Whistler during the Summer… here’s a great list of the many activities to do in Whistler.

And here’s a few of our personal Whistler pictures from our trips up there:

Nancy & Shawn Power White Water Rafting in Whistler
As mentioned, White Water rafting was our favorite activity up there… FYI, we’re the 2nd couple from the front… great to see Shawn’s struggles are amusing Nancy! 🙂


Whistler Mountain in the Summertime
If you’ve been to Whistler in the Winter you’ll know the mountain is pretty white, packed with snow… well, here’s the “summertime” version of what she looks like 🙂


The view from the top of Whistler Mountain in BC, Canada
As mentioned, taking the Gondola ride to the top of the mountain is quite the experience… here’s a glimpse at what you’ll get to see once there! 🙂


Shawn Power making a snowball on Whistler Mountain in the summer
You know you’re high up (at the peak we were 7087 feet above Sea level) when you can make a snowball in the summertime… strangley though, we were still quite warm! 🙂


The Whistler Train Ride on the Rocky Mountaineer
As mentioned, the one time when we did the train ride to Whistler back and forth was fabulous… beautiful views like this the whole way!!


So there you have it… a list of and a few pictures showing things to do in Whistler, BC, Canada in the Summer… make sure to let us know your favorite activities up there in our comments below if you’ve been there or if not once you get back after your first journey that way.

We appreciate You!

Nancy & Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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