Nancy and Shawn watching a Whale breaching in Juneau Alaska

Whale and WildLife Excursion Experience in Juneau, Alaska

Nancy and Shawn watching a Whale breaching in Juneau AlaskaPut the words Juneau, Alaska and Whale & Wildlife together and it makes us tingle with excitement! 🙂

What about you?

Juneau… Alaska’s State Capital… is a spectacular and quaint town of 31,000 people (certainly bigger than Skagway) and sits nestled sea level at the base of Mount Juneau.

While in town you can take a tram to the summit of Mt. Roberts where you will be rewarded by spectacular views, shopping, cafes and spend the afternoon sightseeing…


Another one of the many highlights of Juneau is a visit to see the Mendenhall Glacier.  It’s only a short distance from downtown Juneau at 13 miles (19 km) …and it’s a perfect place to get all you glacier questions answered at the Mendenhall Glacier Center.

Today, we couldn’t wait to experience a whale and wildlife excursion

Seeing these massive whales jumping out of the water showing off their athletic abilities and their agility in the water is amazing!  No better place to go whale watching then here.

Oh and let’s not forget all the other wildlife here such as Bald Eagles, Sea lions, seals and a big array of shorebirds.

Come fill your days with Juneau attractions, unique shopping, dining, arts, heritage and endless outdoor adventure… there’s plenty to do here.

And make sure to top it off with a beverage amongst friends at the end of the day at the historic “Red Dog Saloon”. 🙂

A trip to Alaska wouldn’t be the same without a stop in Juneau!

We appreciate you!

Nancy and Shawn
Your Trusted Cruise Experts!

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